I am losing my heart. O mystics, help for God‘s sake!
Alas, the hidden secret is going to come into the open.
I am shipwrecked, O auspicious wind, rise!
So that I may see my beloved›s face one more time.
The ten-day favor of the world is a deception and a lie.
Use this opportunity, my love, to be good to your lovers.
Last night among roses and wine, the nightingale sang it well:
«Wake up, O drinkers. Prepare the morning wine!»
In gratitude for your health, O generous one,
Inquire about the poor dervish some day.
The comfort of both worlds is explained by two phrases:
Generosity to friends, leniency to enemies
I was not given passage to the street of good reputation.
If you do not like it, change the destiny.
That daughter of grape the Sufi called the mother of evils
Is tastier and sweeter to me than the virgins‘ kisses.
In time of poverty, strive for pleasure and drunkenness.
For this elixir of being makes a Korah out of a beggar.
If unruly with pride, with a candle’s zeal your flame will rise
Beloved turns stone to lava, and molten wax manipulate
The bowl of wine is Alexander’s mirror, look!
It will show you the state of Dârâ’s kingdom
The Persian-speaking beauties are grantors of life.
Sâqi, give this good news to the pious Pirs.
Hâfes did not put on this wine-stained kherqa by choice.
Let me be excused, O clean-skirted Shaykh.
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