Günther Uecker

Werk 8

One can neither touch the ring of that doubled tress
Nor depend on your promise and the zephyr ’s.
I make in your quest any effort I can,
But this much I know one cannot change the destiny.
The beloved›s skirt fell to my hand after a lot of heartache.
I cannot let it go because of the enemy›s derision.
One cannot liken her face to the moon of the sky.
The beloved cannot be compared to every worthless one.
When my lofty cypress comes into samâ’, what value does
The soul›s garment have that one cannot rend it asunder?
The question of love is beyond our ken.
This problem cannot be solved by this erroneous mind.
What can I say? The tenderness of your delicate nature is
So much that I cannot even quietly pray for it.
Only a clear vision can see the beloved’s face.
One cannot look in a mirror except in clarity.
That you are the favorite of the world made me die of envy.
But, one cannot quarrel with God›s people day and night
Except your eyebrow, Hâfez›s heart has no mehrâb.
None but you can be worshipped in my religion.
Ask the intoxicated rends the secret behind the screen.
For the high-ranking Sufi is not aware of this mystery.
Anqâ cannot be captured by anyone. Pack off your nets.
You will catch nothing but air in them.
Enjoy the life in hand. For when his time came,
[Even] Adam had to leave the garden of heaven.
In a drinking party, imbibe a couple of drinks and go.
I mean, do not expect an everlasting pleasure.
O heart, youth passed, and you picked no rose of joy.
In this old age, at least, do something with your reputation.
I have done great services at your door.
O Master, have compassion on your servant.
Hâfez is the devotee of the cup of wine. O zephyr,
Go and offer this servant‘s devotion to the Master of the Cup.

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