The chest is brimful of pain, a remedy please!
The heart neared death from loneliness, a friend, for God‘s sake!
Who can expect comfort from this fast-moving sphere?
O Sâqi, give me a cup, so that I can rest for a moment.
Arise and let us fall in love with that Turk of Samarqand,
Whose breeze carries the scent of the Brook of Moliyân.
I said to a wit, «Behold these circumstances.»
He laughed and said: «A hard day, a strange work, a perturbed world!»
I burned in the well of patience for that candle of Chegel.
The King of Turks is unaware of my condition. Where is a Rostam?
In the path of love, safety and comfort are calamities.
Wounded be the heart that wants remedy for your pain.
The fun-loving and delicate people are not allowed to the street of
Rendi. A world-burning wayfarer is needed, not a naive easy-rider.
Humaneness is not found in this earthly world.
Another world must be built and a new humanity.
What do Hafes‘s tears measure before love‘s needlessness?
The seven seas seem like a dewdrop in this ocean.
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